Answers to Common Questions About Aesthetic Braces

Aesthetic BracesPatients regularly visit our office wanting to learn more about aesthetic braces. The best way to get answers is to schedule a consultation. That way we can provide information that is tailored to your specific situation. In the meantime, below are some frequently asked questions and our answers to them.

Is there more than one type of aesthetic braces?

Yes, patients can straighten their teeth without it being obvious. These include clear ceramic braces, clear aligners, and lingual braces.

Which option is the most invisible?

It is important to understand that these braces are difficult to see but nothing is truly invisible. Perhaps the hardest to see would be lingual braces because they are placed behind the teeth. However, clear aligners can be just as difficult to see as long as they and the teeth are kept clean. This is because they are made of clear plastic and surround the teeth completely so there are no lines or bumps that can be noticeable.

What type of aesthetic braces is the most convenient to where?

Clear aligners are probably the easiest to wear because they are removable. They come out when eating or brushing teeth so patients do not need to use any additional tools and do not take any longer to maintain oral health. Also, they are convenient because they offer a level of flexibility given that they can be removed.

Which type of aesthetic braces is best for fixing an abnormal bite?

If someone has an issue with their bite, it could be caused by the position of the teeth or the jaw itself. The type of braces that are required to correct this problem is going to be based on that. We need to complete the examination before making a recommendation.

Which type of braces is the least expensive?

We understand that choosing to straighten teeth with orthodontics is a financial investment. For many of our patients, the cost factors into which selection they choose. The exact cost is going to be based on what will be required during the treatment. That being said, clear aligners and ceramic braces are comparably priced. However, lingual braces are significantly more expensive because they take far longer to place and are more difficult to maintain during regular appointments.

Which type of aesthetic braces straightens teeth the fastest?

Typically, orthodontic treatments are going to take a similar amount of time, regardless of which option is selected. This is because teeth must be moved in a steady fashion and not too quickly to prevent damage to teeth or nerves. The average patient will spend two years straightening their teeth. However, some patients can straighten their teeth in as little as six months. It really depends on how much movement must take place.

Which option should I select if I am getting married next year?

A lot of patients visit our office wanting to straighten their teeth because they are getting married or have another major life event coming up and want to look their very best. We can determine how long the orthodontic treatment might take during the initial consultation. If this event is going to occur before the treatment will be completed it is best to wear clear aligners. Since they are removable, the aligners can come out on that special day and the treatment can resume the following day. In the meantime, there will be improvements made to the smile.

Can children wear aesthetic braces?

Typically no. Most children need to wear traditional metal braces to straighten their teeth. This is because they are the most durable and allow for a level of treatment flexibility that is necessary to treat children whose jaws have not yet fully hardened and whose teeth may still be coming in.

Which type of aesthetic braces is right for me?

To get the answer, schedule a consultation with our office.

Patients regularly visit our office wanting to learn more about aesthetic braces. The best way to get answers is to schedule a consultation. That way we can provide information that is tailored to your specific situation. In the meantime, below are some frequently asked questions and our answers to them.

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