Categories: Orthodontics

Teeth Straightening Options for Adults

There are more teeth straightening options today than ever before.  It is no longer necessary to wear metal braces if that is not the preferable choice. With so many options available, more people of all ages are straightening their teeth. Adults are finding that it is possible to get the smile they want without hassle or inconvenience.

Straightening teeth as an adult is preferable in many ways because adults actually have more options than children. Adults have more options due to higher responsibility levels and ability to care for their teeth.

Teeth straightening options for adults

Adults can use any of the following to straighten teeth:

#1. Clear aligners

Clear aligners are gaining in popularity because they are virtually invisible when surrounding the teeth. The aligners consist of durable plastic that the patient wears for around two weeks at a time. The patient then switches one out for another in the series, until the teeth are perfectly straight. Patients remove the aligners to eat and brush teeth, creating no dietary restrictions during the teeth straightening process.

#2. Clear ceramic braces

Clear ceramic braces function much like metal ones. The difference is that the brackets we secure to the teeth are ceramic and blend in with a tooth structure. The wires and the rubber bands are also clear, so the entire system is discreet and hard to notice. The key is keeping the teeth completely clean, which requires brushing and flossing after eating food. Otherwise, there will be visible stains on the brackets.

#3. Lingual braces

Resting behind the teeth, lingual braces are the most discreet because no one will notice them behind the teeth. Lingual braces are also the most expensive since it takes a lot of time to place them and to maintain them. Since they are behind the teeth, lingual braces take a larger level of responsibility.

#4. Traditional metal braces

Traditional metal braces are still incredibly popular because of how effective they are. Traditional metal braces do an excellent job of straightening teeth and are highly durable. Anyone concerned about dealing with the responsibility of caring for orthodontics may want to consider this option. Children and most teenagers will almost always wear traditional metal braces.

#5. Oral surgery

Oral surgery is also a choice for patients who need to align their teeth but want to do so quickly. In this case, we can incorporate oral surgery into the overall treatment plan.

Lifestyle is an important factor

Since all types of braces that we offer are an effective way to straighten teeth, patients need to decide what is best based on other factors like lifestyle and budget. It is important to consider what is the most important thing to a daily routine. For example, for anyone who is a foodie, the idea of dietary restrictions may be too much to bear. In this case, clear aligners are probably best.

However, for someone who is constantly on the go and very busy, metal braces may still be more convenient because they are something that a patient does not have to think about. They are secure and durable and as long as teeth are brushed and flossed twice a day, they will continue to function properly without any additional thought.

Appearance is also an important lifestyle factor to consider. Anyone concerned about it should probably consider clear ceramic braces or clear aligners since they are a discreet way to straighten teeth while also being affordable.

Find out which teeth straightening option is right for you

The best way to determine what type of braces would be best suited to your health and individual needs is to schedule an examination with our office. Before making a recommendation we will need to conduct a physical exam to see where your teeth are positioned. We will also take X-rays to evaluate the position of the roots.

After reviewing this information and discussing concerns and your lifestyle, we can make a recommendation for the type of treatment that we believe will be the most successful. Keep in mind that there are several choices, so ask a lot of questions when making your final decision.

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Brookside Orthodontics

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